
God is within us.

We may ask, What is within? Inside our body?

Yes, and no.

Our body is how we feel our soul, and how we feel God.

To know God with only the mind is a half-life.

To know God through our body is wholeness.

Why then does the ego close us off from the place of wholeness?

Because the body holds our pain—our soul pain.

Does the ego truly want to be separate? Or does it only seek freedom from pain?

It has forgotten its place in God.

It has confused itself, lost in the creation of the world.

The world is a mirror of what’s inside. What inner chaos persists, is seen outside oneself, as a dream.

The dream is a strategy to avoid our pain. Yet driven by the pain, one cannot escape it.

Is the pain real?

Yes, and no.

The soul of Heaven is at peace in Peace.

But the soul of the world is in pain.

To know Heaven we must heal the world—

Tikkun Olam.

The stories of pain should only serve to guide us toward it,

and finding it, be let go.

Held in the Love of God, we hold our pain.

To feel our pain in Love is to feel the currents of God’s Kingdom.

What colors and textures are there. The multidimensional God—Its many faces.

Awe and beauty arise in the face of pain.

Darkness, given rise to light, is as beautiful as light.

For just as light is more appreciated beside darkness, so darkness is found beautiful beside light.

The ego does not see this, does not believe it.

The ego formed out of darkness, to guide us from it and protect us from it, does not know its beauty.

Yet there is nothing to fear, not even pain.

For pain in the body is only our resistance to what’s really there.

What is really there, beyond thought or story?

If we really let ourselves feel our soul, where would it take us? Into what realm?


Little “t” truth & Big “T” Truth