Little “t” truth & Big “T” Truth

There is a way of understanding ourselves and our experience that is critical for navigating the emotional complexities of everyday life. It is about honoring our truth in the moment (what I call our little “t” truth), and in doing so entering into the greater truth of our reality (our big “T” Truth).

So often we may hear various perspectives about not taking our fears or anxieties seriously, labeling the messiness of our inner lives as “false” and therefore material to be disregarded. These perspectives highlight the greater reality of our existence as blissful or free from human suffering and encourage us to leap straight into it, as if that were easy or could provide sustainable relief from mental distress. While I do believe in and have experienced this realm of peace and love, I have not found it to arise from spiritual bypassing, but through turning towards what in me is in distress (i.e., my Inner Child), listening to their fears and comforting them through my presence. This is the little “t” truth—my Inner Child’s truth. It may not be the Truth, but it is their truth, and their truth matters.

We are multifaceted beings and our oneness is known through integration, not avoidance. Therefore, the practice to cultivate is being willing to love what is here in us in this moment. “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set thee free” is about loving our truth, holding space for our truth, listening earnestly to our truth, no matter what it sounds like or how rational it is. The Child in us may feel frightened, overwhelmed, angry, jealous, sad, disappointed, depressed, desirous, depleted… and we learn to show up for them just as they are. That is all they need—loving presence. In our presence they feel heard, and in feeling heard they are at peace, and in their peace is our peace. We can then see the circumstance or person in front of us more clearly. We move from the consciousness of our little “t” truth to that of our big “T” Truth. And there we are, at last, not through transcendence of what muddies our perception, but from seeing it and loving it.



