To Encourage Life
Boundaries are not meant to restrict life, but to encourage it. When a boundary restricts life then it is meant to change. Boundaries, when properly used, are meant to restrict that which restricts life. Yet that which restricts life often “promises” life, and this is where we are tricked—believing in “the lies of the serpent.” But let us not place a “dark” consciousness upon that in us which deceives; it only seeks a way out of stress, fear, and overwhelm.
We create darkness with the shame we feel of having done something “wrong.” We blame the compulsion over which we feel powerless, and demonize this part of us that gets lost in the frantic desire to escape discomfort. It is the shame of having acted by this will and motivation that binds us to that dark-feeling place. And there we may feel unworthy of freedom, of goodness, of grace.
That is the double-edged sword—that boundaries can protect us, but also harm us. We create laws that help us turn toward “good”, but when not followed make us “bad.” The purpose of the Ten Commandments was to help a people misguided, enslaved by the consciousness of fear-based doing, by a “false will.” When the laws serve their purpose, they help us return to living in Love and with True Choice. But when they become rigid and controlling, or are used to measure our worth, we must let them go.